
First off, I’m not a beer drinker. In fact, I don’t even drink at all. I usually drink water or some sort of sports drink.

I’ve see a lot of, I guess you could call it “hype” with a couple of beer companies and how they market their beverage. It’s not about taste, it’s about how cold it is… Apparently they think you need a “cold-o-meter” on the car or bottle to know when your drink is cold enough to enjoy.

What happened to just grabbing a drink and touching someones arm? If they freak out, it’s cold enough to drink, right? If they do nothing, put it back in the fridge. And, If you need put a big’ol 24 pack in the fridge and to go back to the fridge over and over to see if your “cold-o-meter” is at the proper temperature, you have a problem.

For the record, I live in the “rockies” and it’s never that cold.

About G

Things in my head need a place to land once they make it out. PS - I'm not the greatest speller and my grammar needs help. Hope you can look past that. If not, oh well.
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