
Some hate it, Some love it… and I’ve found the people who hate Twitter don’t understand it and they don’t wanna understand it. So they pass it off as dumb. Their loss.

I use twitter for a couple of things. I follow anything that relates to Graphic Design. It’s much easier than google AND I find the most current trends, tips, tutorials and not to mention some oddball people. The oddballs are what make long days go by faster and fun. I’ve met some great people. Anyway, I am not afraid to admit I love twitter. Give me a follow, I tweet sarcasm, design and a bunch of other stuff… I have fun. FOLLOW ME HERE

And here are some random stats I found on Twitter…

About G

Things in my head need a place to land once they make it out. PS - I'm not the greatest speller and my grammar needs help. Hope you can look past that. If not, oh well.
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